
Service Hotline:



?2020 AJT TECHNICAL CO., LIMITED  粵ICP備18011682號  Power by:www.300.cn     Police record:44051502000266


Tel:0754-85860999     Fax:0754-86984098

E-Mail:info@ajtesting.com     Web:www.dkqu.cn     QQ:800183881
Addr:1&2F, Yifeng Building, Chenghua Industrial Zone, Chenghai District, Shantou City, Guangdong Province.

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To ensure the confidentiality of our laboratory activities, the company makes the following confidentiality commitments:
 -The company's laboratory activities are carried out in accordance with relevant national laws, regulations, standards and norms, and the management responsibility for the information obtained by the laboratory during testing and sampling activities and the information generated during the testing and sampling activities
 -The confidentiality of the company's laboratory activities is not subject to any administrative intervention, and it is required that personnel from various relevant departments must not interfere;
 -The company resolutely keeps confidential information obtained from customers and takes measures to prevent leakage;
 -The company resolutely keeps the information obtained from customers and should be kept confidential, and takes measures to prevent leakage;
 -Obtained information about customers from sources other than customers such as complainants and regulators, and the company is committed to maintaining confidentiality between customers and laboratories;
 -The company promises to notify customers in advance of the confidential information that the customer needs to disclose (legal requirements or contractual agreements);
 -The company's staff must not engage in related activities that may reveal client secrets;
 -For individuals and organizations that deliberately disclose client secrets, the company takes relevant measures until legal proceedings;
 -The company sincerely accepts the supervision and complaints of the company's confidential work within the company and all parties in the society.
Complaint Tel: 0754-85860999
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