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Use status and regulatory restrictions for flame retardants in children's products in the US market
Use status and regulatory restrictions for flame retardants in children
On April 15, 2013, under the California 65 proposal, the first case of a settlement of banned flame retardants in children's products (RG-13667688) was reached, which attracted the attention of many children's product manufacturers. In fact, prior to this, the situation of children's products containing triglyceride (TRIS) flame retardants in the US market has received attention. In 2012 and 2013, the US government and civil society organizations repeatedly tested children's products on the market, and the results showed that most children's products contain harmful chemical flame retardants.
The EU has notified a number of children’s clothing
The EU has notified a number of children’s clothing
A few days ago, the EU "non-food rapid warning system" issued a report saying that the problem of drawstrings for a variety of children's clothing was prominent, and the problem products have been taken by the notified country to take enforcement measures from the market...
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